O.K. Over the last 3 months since my surgery, my hair is really growing. I think I've really figured out the key to my hair! Low manipulation, protective styling, gentle handling and keeping it stretched. (pictured is me at my sister's graduation with my nephew and my "braid-out" half wig ;)
As much as I try, I don't like shampooing in the shower. It just makes me rush through my routine because my hot water starts to run out before I finish my detangling - retwisting! So, I'm going to stick with the following routine. It works best for me and my hair seems to cooperate better this way. Maybe, as my hair grows longer (shoulder length and more), I'll revisit the wash in the shower:
1). Dry detangle with fingers using melted EVOO and Coconut oil. Braid into sections (6-12) with oil mixture. (twist ends instead of braiding so it will be easier to unravel braids).
2). Spritz with Water and baggy for at least 20 minutes (pre-poo)
3). Mix shampoo mixture of EVOO and Jojoba oil or Hot six oil (whatever oils on hand), Condish - Humectant/HEHH, or Suave Coconut, etc. and Creamy Olive Oil shampoo (small dollop).
4).Apply mixture to scalp, massage in. Rinse (in the sink or lean head into shower using shower head attachment)
5). Unbraid section at a time, apply KCKT leave-in (or whatever leave in you're using at the time, Cantu Shea butter leave in, Kimmaytube's leave-in mixture, Giovonni's leave in, KCKT preferred. Make sure whatever you use has lots of slip for detangling).
6). Detangle individual sections with wide-tooth shower comb first then follow up with Denman or paddle brush.
8).2 strand twist each section to stretch. Be sure to put "kitchen" area hair at the nape of the neck either in a single, horizontal flat twist or 4-8 small 2strand twists to protect and grow.
9). Don satin cap and go to sleep ;)
10). Next day, pin up twists or wear twists under wig or half wig as a protective style.
1). Flat twist into favorite protective style (see, "Simply Younique" video), wear in this style or cover this style with wig or half wig for protective styling. Use some kind of styling cream or oil to for twists, use shea butter or some kind of oil to seal ends.
2). Repeat routine weekly.
3). Daily, if protective styling, spritz hair with water/oil (Aloe Vera Juice) spritz and Hot Six Oil spritz.
ALTERNATE STYLE - Dry braid sections to stretch for a braid-out. Use some kind of styling cream or oil for twists, use shea butter or some kind of oil to seal ends. (braid hair sections but twists ends for reasons stated above. Flexi - rod permed, stringy ends but let braids "hang"). - Refer to braid out tutorial by "Pretty Dimples" for step by step instructions.
This will be my routine for the remainder of winter. We'll see how much longer my hair grows in the next few months ;)
Maintain braid out for a week by re-braiding each night in big braids. flexi-rod permed, stringy ends.
Products in my current rotation that I love (and I'm at the point now where I don't care if they have "cones" or any other so-called "bad" products. As long as it doesn't damage my hair and produces good results - except for mineral oil or petroleum. I still try to stay away from this if at all possible. I don't like how they make my hair feel:
EVOO, Jojoba oil, Kinky Curly Knot Today leave-in, Suave Coconut Condish or Suave Humectant, HEHH condish, Pantene R&N Hair Mask, Hot Six Oil, Root Stimulator Cream Olive Oil Shampoo, Aloe Vera Juice, Shea butter, Ecco Styler Gel, B&B Oil Moisturizer.
Ciao for now!