I'm getting really itchy to do a BC. I want to get rid of my permed ends so bad! I'll be patient, though and let my natural hair grow some more before I cut. The back of my hair is almost completely natural. This is due to the weak permed ends just pretty much shedding off. I went too long without washing or deep conditioning so when I finally did this past Saturday, I had so much shedding - it was crazy. Really shouldn't go that long without washing and deep conditioning. Don't want my new growth to start to suffer. But, I do need to do some "dusting" of my ends the next time I wash. Gotta get some hair scissors for that too.
My hair looked pretty good yesterday. Kinda like it did in my most recent picture only bigger - LOL. I put it in two puffs on each side of my head last night and covered it with my satin bonnet. When I woke up this morning, the permed ends had pretty much lost their shape. I was going to pull it back into "pompador updo" (which I may try tomorrow), but my scalp was really itchy - I think I left too much leave in when I washed Saturday, or my scalp was just really dry, so anyway, I mixed up my concoction of water, hot six oil and suave coconut condish in my water bottle and spritzed it on my head. Instantly, the itching stopped. I just about straightened all of my curl on the ends, but I liked how it looked because more of my new growth is visible and I can get an idea now of what it's going to look like when I do BC. I like it. It's bushy and springy and kinky - no real "structure to it", but I like it! I also discovered that my hair doesn't like oils (olive oil, etc.) when it's dry. It just sits there on top of my locks making them feel greasy. It does like shea "butter" though because shea absorbs into my hair. The oils I'll need to apply when my hair is damp or with water to seal in moisture so it won't just sit there being greasy.
My hair looked pretty good yesterday. Kinda like it did in my most recent picture only bigger - LOL. I put it in two puffs on each side of my head last night and covered it with my satin bonnet. When I woke up this morning, the permed ends had pretty much lost their shape. I was going to pull it back into "pompador updo" (which I may try tomorrow), but my scalp was really itchy - I think I left too much leave in when I washed Saturday, or my scalp was just really dry, so anyway, I mixed up my concoction of water, hot six oil and suave coconut condish in my water bottle and spritzed it on my head. Instantly, the itching stopped. I just about straightened all of my curl on the ends, but I liked how it looked because more of my new growth is visible and I can get an idea now of what it's going to look like when I do BC. I like it. It's bushy and springy and kinky - no real "structure to it", but I like it! I also discovered that my hair doesn't like oils (olive oil, etc.) when it's dry. It just sits there on top of my locks making them feel greasy. It does like shea "butter" though because shea absorbs into my hair. The oils I'll need to apply when my hair is damp or with water to seal in moisture so it won't just sit there being greasy.
Oh, I also went out and splurged on some DevaCurl products yesterday - samples. Got them at Circle Center Mall. I'm excited to try them out, everybody raves about how good they are. We'll see ;) 

Well, Ciao for now!
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