Finally, a decent picture of my flat twist n curl! I was on my way to church. Washed and conditioned my hair yesterday with Olive Oil Shampoo (not too bad) co-washed with Suave tropical coconut condish, deep conditioned with Pantene Relaxed and Natural Hair Mask (my favorite!) and used HH Hello Hydration as my leave in and a little bit of pure shea butter. Styled with Organic Root Smooth and Hold Pudding. I made 11 or 12 flat twists, put on my satin bonnet and went to bed to let it dry overnight. I did the take down in the morning and moisturized with BB Castor Oil Creme moisturizer and sealed with Hot Six Oil. The result was full, well-defined shiny curls - and the style even turned out well. I like it muo muo much!
Unfortunately, it was raining and terribly humid so my hair lost some of it's definition and frizzed a little bit later in the day but I'm hoping it will hold up until tomorrow for work. We'll see.
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