Well, I tried using just the DeVa Curl line of products for my washing this week and I was very dissappointed with the results. Everyone raves about this line but I don't think my hair really likes it and you have to listen to your hair. Maybe my hair just likes some of the products, but I was very dissappointed in the "No Poo" - I thought it was a bit harsh and left my hair kinda rough. I used DevaCurl One Conditioner as a detangler and was expecting great results, instead I got a lot of tangle and knots at the ends. Maybe it's my permed ends that didn't like it. Maybe it was because I used the No Poo first, but for $17.95 a bottle, I expected the tangles and knots to melt away like they do with my Pantene R&N Hair mask. No such luck. I don't think it did as good a job as my $3.00 HH Hello Hydration. I will go back to co-washing with Suave Coconut Condish and detangling/leave in with HH. When I run out of the Pantene, I'm going to try Organics Hair Mayonnaise as a replacement for my Deep Condish. I may go to Trader Joe's and get the their Nourish Spa Condish - I've hear good things about it but we'll see. I still like the DevaCurl "Set it Free" to set my curls, but, I'm just not happy (for the price) with all the products combined. My hair feels soft but it looks very dry and dull. Maybe I used too much. I don't know. Well, I tried it but it's back to what I know works. Just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's the best ;) Also, I have to go with what I know my hair likes. It didn't like this stuff very much. Also, I realize that I need to trim my ends more often. Especially when the they start knotting and tangling alot. Gotta get rid of these permed ends. I did a "twist n trim" after my washing. Probably shou'dve trimmed more than I did but I'm not quite ready for the BC yet. These stringy ends are getting on my nerves, though.
Ciao for now!
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