*Eat a healthy, balanced diet

*Take a multi vitamin and other beneficial supplements
*Handle hair gently at all times
*Seal your ends every time you moisturize
*Minimize (direct) heat usage
*Deep treatment at every wash session
*Develop and follow a consistent hair routine, tailored to your specific needs and desired goals
*Document your progress, observations, and frustrations on your personal blog (On the Naturallycurlly.com website)
*Encourage your fellow curlies by sharing tips, advice, and chimin on their blogs
*Have fun and enjoy the journey
So, I started my blog on their site, per the requirements and I'm well on my way! Check it out when you get a chance. It's listed here: www.naturallycurly.com/blogs/view_blog/kim-coles-grow-out-challenge/1090
Any-whoo, I thought I share some current pics (Done just this weekend) of my new favorite protective style and current length. I'm very please with my progress ;)
I also believe that I'm going to change the focus of my "hair mission" from not just my own hair progress and challenges but I'd like to specifically target challenges for the curly over 40. There are many blogs and vloggers out there who are younger and don't have to deal with the same challenges that us older curlies have to. (yet, lol) for instance:
-Dealing with thinning hair and how to style accordingly
-Workplace/professional styles (there are a lot of cute curly styles out there, but some I just don't think are apropriate for many older ladies. Don't get me wrong, I like to rock the wild big hair, but in some situations and venues it's not appropriate for the more mature curly. I'd like to see more styles and tips geared toward the more mature ladyI'd like to start a forum for us.
-Dealing with gray-ing, natural hair
These are just a couple of thoughts for my focus. If you can think of anymore, let me know. And if you'd like to start up a dialog, let me know that as well. Fell free to post, comment your thoughts, etc. on either this blog or my Naturallycurly blog!
Oh, and here is some random texture pic thrown in. (I had just taken my twists down, my hair was dry and I hadn't even attempted to style it yet so its looking pretty "raw" LOL!) I still can't figure out my texture. I know I'm definitel a 4b/c, but in these shots it looks like there may also be a little 4a in there. Tell me what you think?

Ciao for now!!
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