Thursday, September 22, 2011

Successful Braidout and "Jamaican Girl" half-wig

Just some pics of my first braidout that I was actually happy with, now that I'm all natural and my hair has grown out. I misted stretched hair with a little water, EVOO and Aloe Juice, added a little HEHH condish, sealed with more EVOO and then braided it in about 12-15 braids, curling the ends with the skinny plastic from sponge rollers (just removed the sponge part). I LOVED how it turned out. Lasted about 4 days.

Here's me in my Free Tress "Jamaican Girl" half-wig. This is what I wore after my twistout started going bad - LOL. I just braided my hair back up but left the front out to blend with the wig. I don't think it looks too bad. Kinda close to my own twistout - just a little fuller and the curls are a bit more defined. but, anyhoo...I like it!

I think I'll wear it more often during the winter months while I keep my own hair braided up and protected underneath. At least, this is what I might do after I've worn a braidout and it starts to look raggedy but I'm not ready to change the "look", know what I mean?

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Well, Ciao for now! :)