Friday, January 18, 2013
2013 Update!
Hi Everybody! Just thought I'd post some recent and random pics. Now days my basic routine is to co-wash my hair every 2 (or 3) weeks, shampoo once a month and do an apple cidar vinegar rinse once a month. I still pre-poo with Coconut oil and whatever conditioner I have on hand and after washing I use a leave-in, ususally KCKT or even some of my pre-poo conditioner like Tre' Semme Naturals, then I apply clear aloe vera gel as a styler and seal with whipped shea butter. After that I put my hair in twists and wear it in a bun for a couple of weeks to stretch it. Once I get tired of the bun, I take the twists down and rock a twistout for about a week. I'm able to get my twistout to last for a week or more because I pull it back into a loose ponytail at the nape of my neck at night and cover it with a satin scarf. In the morning I just fluff with a bit of olive oil and lightly spray with an olive oil spray and go! I love it :) In between washings I moisturize my hair with water mixed with aloe vera juice and seal with an oil or shea butter when my hair is in twists.
Any-who, enjoy the pics. And check out my Youtube Channel at:
Ciao for now!
Friday, July 6, 2012
The "Diva" Bun
I recently visited Chicago for a work conference and wanted to wear my hair in a no-fuss style for the week. It was BLAZING hot and I didn't want my hair down in my face or on my neck because we had to do alot of walking outside, mainly from the hotel to our corporate headquarters. I also wanted to do some site-seeing in general and just didn't want to have to mess with my hair. I had co-washed and conditioned my hair and put it in medium twists all over my head. I didn't want to take the twists down so I decided to put my hair up in a bun. But, I wanted a HUGE bun (of course) so I got some of the "Marley", Kanekalon hair from my local beauty supply (just one pack). I got the one that matched my hair color and texture the closest and 2 strand twisted the whole thing into one big twist. I then twisted that big twist around my own bun on top of my head and secured it with bobby pins all around. The results? Instant LOVE! This style was easy to do, easy to maintain - I just tied my hair down with a scarf at night and then spritzed my hair lightly in the morning with some Jamaican Mango & Lime No Itch Growth Spray. This style lasted a whole week and could've lasted several. I love it and will be wearing this style again. It's perfect for these hot summer days and it looks fantastic and regal, I think. I got so many compliments, not to mention a really great twistout once I took the twists down!
Check out more pics from my Chicago trip on my Youtube channel here:
Ciao for now! :)
natural hair curly nappy length older thinning braids twists,
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
I'm Baaaack!!! (Again)
Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted on this blog. I've been busy. Alot going on. I'll try to do better from now on. O_o
Updates. Well, let's see. My hair has grown quite a bit since I last blogged. It was well past shoulder length (stretched) up until about 1 month ago. I had a little bout with SSKs (single strand knots) and nightmar-ish detangling so I had to trim my ends about a month ago. I think I trimmed a good 1 1/2 - 2 inches. So, no my hair is back to just past shoulder length, but, it's growing. I have TONS of products that I need to give away or use up, but I'm only feeling a few right now. I'm also currently engaged in the "Curly Girl" method, co-washing weekly and clarifying with a mild sulfate shampoo maybe once a month. I like the results so far. My hair stays moisturized, for the most part, and detangling has become almost a breeze after co-washing.
Right now I pre-poo with extra virgin olive oil and Aussie Moist condish. I know Aussie Moist has "cones" in it and the true Curly Girl method avoids cones, but, it works best for my hair and I do shampoo once a month to clarify so my hair is doing quite well. I follow up my co-wash with Kinky Curly Knot Today leave-in (still my staple leave-in), I detangle with this, in sections, of course, then add some shea butter to seal and finally just plain old Aloe Vera gel as a styler. This combo of products is WONDERFUL. I usually twist my hair up into medium/chunky sections and then style my hair in an updo for a couple of days to a week or longer until I get ready to wash again. I'm really feeling keeping my hair in twists. I also spritz it lightly every morning with Jamaican Mango & Lime No More Itch Gro Spray. I love this stuff. Great daily moisturizer, as it's main ingredient is water. I seal that with a light spray of ORS Olive Oil Sheen Spray. A couple of days before I wash, I might take my twists down and wear an AWESOME big twistout. I seem to have gotten my twistouts to look great just about everytime now. Really feeling good about my hair these days :)
Thinking about revamping my blog and Youtube channel or starting a new one. I think I want to focus more, now, on presenting info and pics and tips for just the average natural curly - as opposed to the "super-gurus". I love the natural hair icons and their beautiful heads of hair, but I know for me it really helps to see average, everyday curlies with hair like mine, styling and working their hair. Does that make sense?
Well, Above are a few recent pics. Also, check out my Youtube channel for more pics and videos!
Ciao for Now!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"Ma'am, You Look Really Nice!"
Just had to share an experience that I had a couple of days ago that really made my day. On my way home from work I stopped at a gas station and went inside for a few things. I was dressed fashionably professional and my hair was in medium twists, pinned in an up-do, nothing fancy. I collected my items and proceeded to stand in line at the counter to pay. I was in a bit of a hurry and not paying attention to what was going on around me when I heard a man’s voice behind me say, “Excuse me ma’am.” I turned around and saw this very nice looking young man (probably a good 15 – 20 years younger than myself). He went on to say, “ Don’t take this the wrong way, I’m not trying to hit on you or anything, but you look VERY nice!” WOW! I thanked him for the compliment, turned back around to the counter, paid for my purchases and strutted out of the gas station very matter-of-factly, but y’all know inside I was really feeling myself! LOL.
I know that we naturals feel that if no one else appreciates us in all of our natural-haired glory, we don’t need their approval. We’re already confident in ourselves, because it takes a lot of confidence to go natural in the first place. We appreciate and love ourselves and don’t care what others think. I know I usually don’t. As long as my husband admires and appreciates me and the way I look (and he tells me so, often) and most importantly, as long as “I” like what I see when I look in the mirror, I really don’t care much about what others think of me most of the time. But, on that rare occasion, when you do get a heartfelt, sincere compliment from a complete stranger, I have to admit, it is WONDERFULLY refreshing!
I know that we naturals feel that if no one else appreciates us in all of our natural-haired glory, we don’t need their approval. We’re already confident in ourselves, because it takes a lot of confidence to go natural in the first place. We appreciate and love ourselves and don’t care what others think. I know I usually don’t. As long as my husband admires and appreciates me and the way I look (and he tells me so, often) and most importantly, as long as “I” like what I see when I look in the mirror, I really don’t care much about what others think of me most of the time. But, on that rare occasion, when you do get a heartfelt, sincere compliment from a complete stranger, I have to admit, it is WONDERFULLY refreshing!
Ciao for Now!
Visit my You Tube Channel at:
New Pics
My Wash n Go not quite dry yet

It's been a little while since I posted. My hair is doing well, I've slipped off the "minimalist" bandwagon and purchased a few more items for my hair which I really love. I've been using Tre Semme Moisturizing Conditioner for EVERYTHING, co-washing, as a leave in and as a detangling condish and I love that stuff! I also purchased some of the Taliah Waajid Bodifying Mist as a detangler/leave in and I love it too. I got some Olive Oil Ecco Styler and tried a wash and go for a few days, which I actually did like - I liked the low maniplation of just putting on a silk scarf at night and then misting and fluffing in the morning. That lasted for about a week and a half. It's actually a wash n "fro" for me because the shrinkage is unreal, but I liked it! I'll definitely explore the wash n go again soon. I also did twists/ twistout using some good old fashioned hair grease to seal in moisture from my shampoo and conditioning and under my gel styler. It kept my hair very moisturized and soft. I liked it too. I've discovered for the best results to stretch and twistout my hair after co-washing and detangling to apply a combination of coconut oil, shea butter and Aloe Vera gel (mixed together) to stretch my hair and seal my ends, and then apply a GENEROUS amount of Design Essentials Curl Defining Creme Gel to twist. I got the most amazing, full and stretched twists-turned twistout that I've every gotten before! It also doesn't hurt that my hair is growing like a weed. Not only longer but "fuller". I'm retaining length and just more hair in general because I rarely use any tools in my hair to detangle and style. Just my fingers. Well, here are some pics of my latest styles.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Successful Braidout and "Jamaican Girl" half-wig

Just some pics of my first braidout that I was actually happy with, now that I'm all natural and my hair has grown out. I misted stretched hair with a little water, EVOO and Aloe Juice, added a little HEHH condish, sealed with more EVOO and then braided it in about 12-15 braids, curling the ends with the skinny plastic from sponge rollers (just removed the sponge part). I LOVED how it turned out. Lasted about 4 days.
Here's me in my Free Tress "Jamaican Girl" half-wig. This is what I wore after my twistout started going bad - LOL. I just braided my hair back up but left the front out to blend with the wig. I don't think it looks too bad. Kinda close to my own twistout - just a little fuller and the curls are a bit more defined. but, anyhoo...I like it!
I think I'll wear it more often during the winter months while I keep my own hair braided up and protected underneath. At least, this is what I might do after I've worn a braidout and it starts to look raggedy but I'm not ready to change the "look", know what I mean?
Check out my You Tube Channel at:, Ciao for now! :)
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